Aaruni Kaushik
I am a Scientific Employee in the Department of Mathematics at Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, working in Task Area 1 (Computer Algebra), Measure 1.4 (Predefined software environments) of MaRDI, a consortium of NFDI. I am the principle developer of MaRDI Packaging System (MaPS). A description of MaPS is published as part of conference proceedings of ICMS 2024.
A list of my academic work is available at my ORCID page.
I completed my Master’s degree in Mathematics from Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau. I specialized in Algebra and Number Theory, and wrote my Master Thesis in Cryptography titled “Investigating Resilience of Levelled Fully Homomorphic Encryption System Against Data Scientific Attacks”
Credits Completed : 138 | Course Details
Thesis 42.0 CP Thesis - Homomorphic Cryptography 30.0 CP Reading Course - Lattice Based Cryptography 12.0 CP Specialisation 27.0 CP Algorithmic Number Theory 9.0 CP Cohomology of Groups 9.0 CP Representation Theory 9.0 CP Pure Mathematics 18.0 CP Cryptography 9.0 CP Plane Algebraic Curves 4.5 CP Plane Curve Singularities 4.5 CP Seminar 6.0 CP Cryptography - SCRYPT 3.0 CP Representation Theory - Specht Modules 3.0 CP Applied Mathematics 27.0 CP Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations 4.5 CP Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 4.5 CP Mathematical Statistics 9.0 CP Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs 9.0 CP Pre Requisites 18 CP Commutative Algebra 9.0 CP Quadratic Number Fields 4.5 CP Character Theory of Finite Groups 4.5 CP
During my studies, I was a student assistant at the Meshfree group at Fraunhofer ITWM. During my time there, I looked after low to medium priority bug fixes and enhancement to the core Meshfree software, and surrounding infrastructure.
I sometimes write articles for the Digit Magazine.
Digit July 2021 Edition : PopOS on Btrfs
Digit May 2020 Edition : Smart Light Automation
I wrote a term paper in my Bachelor’s course about theorems from Number Theory I discovered and proved independently.
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